- Knowing the BEST IN YOU
- Transformasi Minda CEMERLANG
- ABC : Attitude, Behaviour & Change
- Building up your confidence – SALSA
- Customer Service Excellence
- Buiding a Winning Team
- Organization Behaviour
- Budaya Kerja Cemerlang
- Pembangunan Modal Insan
- Administrative Management
- Imej, Personaliti & Penampilan
- Human Capital Development
- Talent Management
- Train The Trainers
- Pemantapan CSI
- Your Communication is the respond you get in return.
- Pemantapan Personaliti Diri Cemerlang
- Effective Problem Solving and Decision Making
- Program Wanita – Mawar Kasih
- Motivation Program
- Student Development Program
- Staff Development Program
- Youth Development Program
- Entrepreneurship Development Program
- Team Development Program
And many others CUSTOMIZED program depending on needs & requirements by clients.